Support Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street
Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street is a non-profit organization dedicated to the revitalization of Downtown Lee's Summit. Supporting Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street makes possible hundreds of days of events, supports small businesses, and preserves and enhances the heart of our community.
There are so many different ways to get involved and support the heart of our community!

hours of service since 20090
net new businesses since 20090
net new jobs since 2009$0M
in renovations since 2009
If you love Downtown Lee's Summit as much as we do, consider making a donation! Your support goes directly to preserving and promoting the heart of our community.
Give online at Or mail donations to 13 SE Third St. Lee's Summit, MO 64063.
Make checks payable to Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street. Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street is a 501c3 non-profit organization and your donation may be tax deductible.

Our volunteers log more than 4,000 hours each year planning and hosting events. We have two types of volunteers - special event volunteers and committee volunteers. Special event volunteers help the day-of an event to make the event successful. Committee volunteers meet once monthly to help plan events, develop fundraising efforts, review downtown design elements and support business needs.

Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street plans hundreds of days of events each year. Sponsoring an event not only helps your business build brand awareness in our community, it also supports our year-round revitalization efforts. With a yearly social media reach of three million and event attendance approaching 200,000, Downtown Lee's Summit sponsorships are a worthwhile investment into your business.