
Why Sponsor An Event?

Your financial support not only helps your business build brand awareness in our community, but it also supports the year-round downtown revitalization efforts of Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street. With a yearly social media reach of three million and event attendance approaching 200,000, Downtown Lee's Summit sponsorships are a worthwhile investment into your business.

Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street offers various sponsorship packages to get your company’s name in front of thousands of people throughout the year through affiliation with a variety of community events.

Sponsorship benefits for events may include booth space, advertising and promotion, recognition at the event, and special sponsor services and event invitations. For benefits regarding specific events, please contact Jenny Gale at jenny@downtownls.org or 816-246-6598.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Country Club Bank logo-01
RbA Primary logo (002)
Arvest Bank FDIC Blue Logo
Camp Bow Wow Logo
hvlogo-485.png (no background)
miller lite logo
The Donovan (1)
Five Farms Logo
Summit Pet Care Logo

Interested in downtown sponsorship opportunities?

Send us a quick message using the form below:

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