Emerald Isle Parade Floats Dazzle Downtown
Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street hosted its annual Emerald Isle Parade on Saturday, March 9th. The ominous clouds parted just before noon, revealing sunny skies that made way for over 60 parade floats. A righteous mix of 80’s rock and Irish bagpipes turned Downtown Lee’s Summit into a real headbangers ball as entries personified the “Irishly 80’s” theme. Judges for the event were Abigael Jaymes with KCTV 5, Lee’s Summit Fire Chief Rick Poeschl, and Major John Boenker with the Lee’s Summit Police Department.

When the parade concluded at 1 p.m. judges gave awards for Best Use of the Parade Theme, Best Float, Best Musical Entry, and Most Unique. The Guin Family totally got into the 80’s spirit, sporting a ZZ Top beard, full leopard print suit, and lycra workout gear. They took home the prize for Best Use of Parade Theme for their float, decorated end to end with Pac Man decals and oversized Rubik’s Cubes.

The Lee’s Summit Football Association kicked it into high gear and won Best Float for their awe-inspiring twenty-foot long football display. Coaches and league participants celebrated their win at the judges’ stand at 3rd & Green streets.

The O’Selby McCox entry paid homage to old school MTV, and even featured a breakdancing leprechaun. They took home the award for Best Musical Entry.

The prize for Most Unique went to Headquarters, a pub in Downtown Lee’s Summit with a focus on first responders and military.
The Emerald Isle Parade is made possible by Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street. This spring, the downtown was crowned Missouri’s Great Neighborhood by the Missouri chapter of the American Planning Association. The parade is one of over 100 events Downtown Lee’s Summit plans annually for the community.
The Emerald Isle Parade is presented by Llywelyn’s Pub, and sponsored by TMC Lakewood Counseling, Weed Man, Cable Dahmer Automotive Group, and Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street.