Downtown Lee’s Summit Adopt-A-Planter Program

Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street in partnership with the Lee’s Summit Beautification Commission invites Lee’s Summit businesses and residents to participate in the Holiday Adopt-a-Planter Program again this year. Individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and other groups may make a donation to “adopt” one of the small planters along 3rd Street or Douglas Street in downtown during the 2020 Holiday Season. A donation of $60 per planter will help cover the cost of the winter planting and holiday decorations.
The planters will be planted prior to the Virtual Mayor’s Tree Lighting celebration on Friday, Nov. 20 and will remain in place until January 2021. Each planter will feature a name card to be displayed during the holiday season, and donors will receive recognition online at and on social media.
Planters may be designated “In memory of,” “In celebration of”, or “sponsored by”. Any interested parties should sign up prior to November 6, 2020 and space is limited. Planters can be adopted online at